- Personal Message -
As some of you may, or may not know, 2019 was a pretty rough year for my family. In the summer my dad didn’t feel well and after being in the hospital for almost 8 weeks, he got diagnosed with cancer. A situation that obviously turns your life upside down.
My dad is my best friend, but also for example the man behind the scenes that co-creates the annual Radical Redemption opening-show. That’s why I was so proud my dad was there the whole night at ‘Brotherhood of Brutality’. He’s doing incredibly well and we as a family are really proud of him.
I couldn’t really get away with my feelings about this whole situation. I’m a rather closed person. But music is my way out. So, I made this track (as a surprise) for my dad, and for any other person that went through a situation like this.
The track starts pretty sad, symbolizing the way we felt when dad was not feeling well, in the hospital, the uncertainty, the diagnose, the fear.
The second part is when a bit of hope comes in. No matter what, we will do this together. The last part symbolizes the fight.
As a family you unite, those big shoulders that will carry the world for someone.
No matter what, we will beat this...
Daddy, this track is for you!
Ondanks de trieste betekenis is dit ook een heerlijke plaat.